Today it is 18 months since my baby girl went to heaven.
In some ways it seems like forever ago, and in so many others - it seems like just yesterday.
What I wouldn't give to have a beautiful blond 18 month old toddling around our home and filling our hearts with joy......
The tears are fewer and farther between these days than they once were. My blogging about her is almost nonexistent. But the hole in my heart and the constant ache for my daughter remains the same.
Miss you SO MUCH - Baby Girl!! Love you SO MUCH - Karinne Claire!!
Our precious daughter Karinne was diagnosed with Acrania, a terminal diagnosis, at 13 weeks gestation by a routine sonogram. Our unconditional love for her, our deep desire to hold her in our arms, as well as our Christian faith led us without hesitation to the decision to continue the pregnancy. This website was created in Karinne's honor with the hope that her brief but mighty life would never be forgotten and that her story could make a lasting impact in the lives of others.