Today's post is a special message that Karinne's Daddy - and my amazing husband Curtis - wrote this weekend to share for a communion message at our church. When he finished writing it, he asked me to read over it. I cried - of course - and we both wondered if he would be able to get through reading it for the congregation. Then he said - "I thought maybe you could put it on the blog." I responded "I was thinking the same thing." So today I'm sharing his words here and I pray that their meaning will touch the hurting places in each of your hearts:
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and that you were able to spend some time with family, reflect on the last year, and think about the blessings God has given. In reflecting on this past year it has been a bit of a mixed bag for my family. But, something I heard while listening to KGCR last week helped me tremendously. A sermon was being given on growing in your faith and being thankful to God no matter the circumstances you find yourself in. In that sermon he said:
“When all you have is sunshine - all you have is desert.”
That simple statement touched me and helped me to look back on the last year with a different perspective. God has supplied my family with many blessings this last year. And, although there are things about the last year I would change for myself, I can also look back and be thankful for how God has touched and blessed and grown within my family over the past year.
I know and have faith that all the events of this last year, although some were difficult, were a blessing from God. I am thankful that God has blessed me with my wife and my children. I know that God will continue to bless me through them and I have faith that God will use my family, particularly my youngest daughter to bless others for years to come. I know this because through Karinne, God has brought me closer to Him.
As we come to the table this Sunday, let us be thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made so that we may be forgiven for our sins. Let us also be thankful not only for the sunshine, but also for the rain, the storms, and on occasion the fire used to burn away the unnecessary so that our faith and trust in God may grow.
Will you pray with me? Heavenly father - as we come before you this morning we thank you for the sacrifice of your son. We thank you Father for the blessings you give us. Help us to have faith and to trust in you through sunshine, storm and all types of weather, knowing that you use all things to nurture and grow us. In Jesus name Amen.